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About those who manage

A few words about those who manage, having accepted the responsibility from founder Fred Braches.

Mary Trainer, Rick Antonson, and Brian Antonson were born and raised in British Columbia. In their early twenties in 1972 they collaborated on In Search of a Legend: Slumach’s Gold, part of a new generation of writers and publishers passionate about Canadian history, the outdoors, and incredible stories to share. The three partners co-founded Nunaga (the Inuit word for “my land, my country”) Publishing. They published more than twenty-five books by other authors before selling the imprint and rights to Douglas & McIntyre in the late 1970s. In 2007, Heritage House published Slumach's Gold: In Search of a Legend, a much-updated 35th Anniversary edition. Together, these works have sold 25,000 copies. They co-authored Whistle Posts West: Railway Tales from British Columbia, Alberta and Yukon in 2015. They reunited for 2024’s significantly expanded Slumach’s Gold: In Search of a Legend-and a Curse, a capstone work on the legend, also published by Heritage House.

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Pitt Lake's Lost Gold Mine